導航:首頁 > 方管焊管 > 彎頭用英語怎麼說


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1. 中文翻譯成英文專業名詞

內絲直抄通 Inside the wire through
同徑襲直通With the straight
同徑彎頭 Drive with the elbow
外絲彎頭Outside the wire bend
外絲接頭Outside the wire connector

2. 翻譯英語啊

活接 loose joint
活接地 swinging earth
活接結合 articulated joint
活接聯接器 joint coupling
活接三通 union tee
活接頭 articulation; union swivel; union
活接頭螺母 union nut
活接頭螺栓 swing bolt
活接頭套管 union thimble
活接卸槽 articulated chute (澆混凝土用的)

彎頭 joint
彎頭 angle fittings; bent pipe; elbow; knee
彎頭扳手 bent-handle wrench; bent spanner
彎頭車刀 angular tool
彎頭持針鉗 curved needle holders
彎頭刀架 knee tool
彎頭道釘 brob
彎頭管 swan neck
彎頭鍵 gib head key
彎頭接合 knee-joint
彎頭螺栓 bolt with one end bent back
彎頭鎖緊螺母 elbow jam unt
彎頭套管 elbow union
彎頭套筒扳手 offset socket wrench
彎頭脫水器 elbow separator
彎頭芯盒 elbow core box

三通 tee bend; tee branch; tee joint; tee conneetion; tee fitting; wye; Y; yoke
三通玻璃栓 three-way glass stopcock
三通道放大器 three-channel amplifier; three-path amplifier
三通道自動駕駛儀 three-dimensional autopilot
三通電纜分線盒 three-way coupling box
三通閥 tee valve; three-port valve; three-way valve; triple valve
三通閥蓋 triple-valve cap
三通閥活塞 triple-valve piston
三通閥聯箱 three way valve menifold
三通閥體 triple body; triple-valve body
三通管 single sweep tee; T-branch (pipe); three-limb tube
三通管接頭 tee pipe coupling
三通橫長 horizontal length of tee
三通換向旋塞 three-way reversing cock
三通活栓 three-way cock
三通貨協定 triparties currency agreement
三通接頭 tee coupling; tee fitting; tee union; three-way piece; three-way connection
三通接線夾 three-way connector
三通開關 three-way cock
三通控制閥 three-way control valve
三通連接 tee junction
三通路循環器 three-terminal circulator
三通式熱風爐 three-pass stove
三通天線轉發開關 triplexer
三通筒 triple cylinder
三通筒墊密片 triple-cylinder gasket
三通彎頭 three-way elbow
三通旋塞 tee cock; three-way cock; three-throw tap
三通循環器 three-terminal circulator
三通液體流量計 tee fluid flow meter
三通閘閥 treble ported slide valve

直通 direct connection; straight in; straight bore; through; feed(-)through; once-through
直通撥號 through dial(l)ing
直通測量線路 end-to-end measurement
直通單向閥 in-line check valve; straight check valve; straightway check valve
直通道路 through road
直通的 through and through
直通地 dead earth; dead ground
直通墊外底 through midsole
直通電報 telex
直通電報通信 telex communication
直通電流 through current
直通電流偏置 through current bias
直通電路 direct circuit
直通閥 pass valve; straight-through valve; straightway valve; through valve
直通干餾爐 through retort
直通鍋爐 once-through boiler
直通換料 once-through refuelling
直通迴路 straight circuit
直通匯接呼叫制 straight forwardjunction working
直通監控 through supervision
直通接頭 straight coupling; straight fitting
直通接線裝置 through joint
直通街道 through expressway; through street; throughway
直通進位 standing carry
直通開關 globe cock
直通空氣制動閥 straight air brake valve
直通空氣制動器 straight air brake
直通快動閥 straight-through fast acting valve
直通連接 straight-through joint
直通裂化 straight-through cracking
直通流動 straight through flow
直通爐 through furnace; belt furnace
直通偏流 through bias
直通清除 through scavenging
直通式爐 continuous passing furnace
直通式迷宮密封 straight-through labyrinth
直通絲錐 non-reversing tap
直通通路 through path
直通線 through line; through-line
直通線路 direct circuit; straight circuit; straight-forward circuit
直通線群 direct group
直通型 through-type
直通型檢測器 flow-through detector
直通行 direct line; directline
直通旋塞 straight way cock; straight-through cock; straightway cock; through cock
直通壓出 straight through extrusion
直通制 straight forward system
直通中繼 straightforward trunking
直通中繼線 direct trunk
直通中繼站 repeater without drop

線槽 trunking
線槽節距 slot pitch
線槽脈動 slot ripple
線槽系數 slot factor
線槽占空系數 slot space-factor

3. 求翻譯幾個專業詞彙,不要詞典翻譯的:帶對焊長轉角彎頭,電焊管簎連接件,與錨固管卡連接的電焊圈


4. 大麴率底部異徑彎頭用英語怎麼說

At the bottom of the large curvature recing elbow

5. pvc換彎頭用英語怎麼說

PVC bending head
PVC bending head

6. 彎頭的英語翻譯 彎頭用英語怎麼說


7. 彎頭三通 異徑管 大彎 管帽用英語怎麼說

三通英文 tee
大彎英文big bend
管帽英文 cap

8. 不銹鋼焊接 90度彎頭 英文怎麼說

stainless steel welding,90 degree elbow。
不銹鋼的工程專業術語是stainless steel,簡寫SS。

9. 90度彎頭,DN40 SW 20# SMLS SCH80 SH/T3410是什麼管件這些標准都怎麼翻譯是什麼意思,急,求答案謝謝

這個接觸多了就了解,90°的彎頭 DN40是規格 SW是承插焊的英文縮寫,回20#表示材質,SMLS是無縫的意答思這個在這里是沒有用的 SCH80指的接管的壁厚壓力等級 SH3410這個是鍛鋼制承插焊管件的標准 規定相關數據

10. 熱壓彎頭用英語怎麼說


hot-pressed elbow更多釋義>>


熱壓彎頭 hot-pressed elbow




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