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『壹』 X展架正規尺寸價格是多少


『貳』 魚缸包邊如何處理


做普通魚缸就選汽車級白浮法玻璃,如果想讓魚缸透光度更好些的話就選用超白玻了草缸 龍魚缸海水缸一般選用超白的比較多做多大的缸需要選擇多麼後的玻璃,白浮法 和超白基本分為5mm 6mm 8mm 10mm 12mm 15mm 19mm等。

(1)玻璃膠槍 玻璃膠 直角夾 捲尺 三角板 美紋紙 玻璃刀 拉筋支架 文件夾子等。玻璃的厚度。
第二:沾魚缸的步驟把玻璃裁好磨邊然後把每塊玻璃的尺寸都用捲尺量一個遍看看玻璃的尺寸誤差多少,然後每塊玻璃都沾美紋紙。打好玻璃膠把缸粘起來··················省略好多話每個人的粘法不一樣我就不多說了 總之把缸沾好不漏水就 OK了。





(4)魚缸的上下包邊我一般採用黑色烤漆玻璃做包邊的,魚友們可以自由的選擇包邊材料比如木板 大理石 各種顏色的烤漆玻璃,包好包邊既美觀又不容易傷到大人及小孩。



上部過濾槽參照上圖模式製作,用普通玻璃,厚度為0.5厘米,尺寸為:長為魚缸內徑長,寬為適當寬度看自己怎麼做了,高離缸上沿最好1cm方便加蓋子,過濾槽橫向兩側直接粘於魚缸兩側面玻璃上,後面即為魚缸的後面玻璃,底為魚缸的後部拉筋。共分四格,自右向左依次為:第一格為上水管孔格,第二格放濾棉,起物理過濾作用,第三 格放生化環或生化球,起生化過濾作用,第4格為下水口。第一格及最後一格可略窄,中間三格要寬,以放置更多的生化濾材。第二格濾棉分多層放置,最上層為粗濾棉,向下根據濾槽深度依次放幾層細濾棉,各層濾棉之間可用生化環隔開,以方便水下滲。各格上間隔玻璃高度一樣,下間隔玻璃應依次遞減尺寸,高差為2厘米,下間隔玻璃的底端兩角均磨成三角裝,以躲開魚缸底的玻璃膠,方便粘合密封。上間隔玻璃離濾槽底1厘米,上、下兩塊間隔玻璃間距2厘米。第一格間隔玻璃上端打一直徑3厘米的半圓孔,以放置上水管;第一格底面玻璃打一直徑3厘米的上水管孔,內穿2厘米的PVC上水管,不需粘合密封。下水底孔設在濾槽左側,應留出上側面拉筋的寬度,底孔直徑為2.1厘米,內穿2厘米PVC下水短管,管底要高於水面

(3) 背部過濾:就是在主缸的背部粘貼過濾槽以達到過濾的效果。(4)側過濾:就是在主缸的一端粘貼過濾槽以達到過濾的效果。。

我做的魚缸一般都用玻璃的 用黑鏡玻璃或者透明玻璃,我一般選擇做蓋子的玻璃都用5mm的,也可以用鋁塑板 PVC板等以防潮防變形。缸蓋分為單獨的三塊或者兩塊也可以前後上翻也可以左右推拉我做推拉蓋比較多的,前後翻的最後面一塊寬與上濾槽稍微寬些就行,方便掀開清理濾槽;中間一塊為燈槽子,基本不動,左右平行固定兩根燈管。前面一塊寬些經常掀起,以方便餵食、加水及其他日常管理。



『叄』 特急!跪求!請幫忙翻譯成英文報價單,謝謝!

Constructs a description:
1. the Deluxe-cashier (primary-and secondary-desk top-quality 1.0 thick stainless steel and 15% of the HDF viscose synthesis. Main and auxiliary station Pier are 1.0 thick high quality steel plate welded forming, the entire cashier in powder before acid phosphate paint the background being surrounded by installed ABS plastic bumper and bottom of the slide bars. ) Subsection cashier (2.mini-accessory desk top-quality 1.0 thick stainless steel and 15% of the HDF viscose synthesis. Main and auxiliary station Pier are 1.0 thick high quality steel plate welded forming, the entire cashier in powder before acid phosphate paint the background being surrounded by installed ABS plastic bumper and bottom of the slide bars. )
3. wood dried fruits (the entire shelf employs high quality 15% FIR Board do frame and the bottom footing with 40 × 90 natural material, and then go through several primer paint processing, shelf adjustable via a hardware perspective, the licence holder for high-quality stainless steel tubes welded together, the previous increase of 8% thick perspex panels, front part of the installation to ABS black bull bars. )
4. wood tip heap (the whole heap header using high-15% of FIR Board do frame, and then go through several primer paint processing, shelf side can open the door of Bill of lading, installed the ABS black bull bars at the bottom with four feet, 8% glass parapet. )
5. the tubular frame (frame are made of 30 x 30 party pass as the main body, the Panel adopts 08 plate: lost, the entire shelf have to undergo treatment, paint, tile proction aircraft stainless steel tubes, each shelf at the bottom of the installed four wheels, another three plastic box. )
6. tube tip heap (pillar 40 × 40 square tube, layer thickness is 08, the side bar to seal the plate thickness 07, guardrail tube diameter of 20, the entire shelf have to undergo a treatment of paint. )
7. stainless steel water dish rack (tripod with 50 x 50 and 38 × 38 stainless steel tubes welded together, pallet welded stainless steel with 1.0, a licence holder for forming stainless steel tubes, the tray at the bottom with a leaking valves, bottom round plates of stainless steel sheet with 08. )
8. commodity heap header frame (card board feet of cold-rolled sheet with 1.2, and frame of 40 x 40 square tube welded together, heap head around and upper plates are made of thick steel 08 stamping, Rails uses 60 and 40 of the rail line collisions, the entire shelf forming welding is pickling, phosphating process on the Panel painting after the silk screen fonts, side door, inventory and floor is 15% emission.)
9. food counter (full cabinets are made of 1.0 thick stainless steel welded together, front panel thickness punching 1.0 of cold-rolled sheet, glass is available in an 8% tempered glass. )
10. the marble seafood pool (the entire pool of load-bearing part of 40 x 40 stainless steel tube welded together, black part is 15 mm thick marble, glass used is 12% of tempered glass, in front of the bottom with 38 of stainless steel tubes, the entire pool of pipes used oxygen machine Liansu pipe, as Haley, circulation pump to take cards with large 1P of the refrigerator, the Panasonic brand, filter pool with filter cotton and coral and activated carbon. )
11. Deluxe shrimp ponds (table uses the high quality 1.0 thick stainless steel welded forming, pallets mounted in the insulation, the tripod is 50 x 50 of stainless steel tubes, piercing hoarding is 1.0 thick electrostatic spraying of cold-rolled sheet, with four active Castor. )
12 rice heap header frame (overall framework with 15% solid FIR Board, after repeatedly primer paint, around 10% transparent glass, four iron card board feet, internal deep within that can be separated, is 30 cm. )
13. the amount of Mist Humidifier (: 9DG/H control mode: timing control, power: 220V, power 900w, dimension: 580 * 400 * 550 out of the mist outlet through: 110mm two out of the mist outlet, spray 10 kg)
14. rice image frame (overall framework with 15% solid wood panels and parties, after many primer paint, background wallpaper and inkjet, m bucket lid is 4% sought. )
15. wooden bulk tank (entire bulk tank with 15% of wooden FIR Board, after repeatedly primer paint, internal can stock, each group with four card board feet, black ABS front bumper sticker, box 4% sought. )
16. the solid bulk (global framework with 15% solid FIR Board, after repeatedly primer paint, with ABS front bumper sticker, internal to inventory, four iron card board feet, with 8% acrylic and stainless steel corner synthesis, deep within 10 cm).
17. eggs (whole eggs with 15% of wooden FIR Board, after repeatedly primer paint, surrounded with ABS plastic and bottom has hit card board feet. )
18. promotional van (whole bread image car with 15% of wooden FIR Board, after repeatedly primer paint, four wheels PVC strip edge. )
19. the Cabinet
The entire Cabinet consists of 15% of emission from the main frame, do fire board finishes, stainless steel rail line

『肆』 買上下鋪鐵架床要注意什麼

鐵床也稱之為鐵架床,所使用的材料分三類: 方形鋼管、圓形鋼管、冷軋板,當我們選購鐵床時,不僅要看外觀,款式,色彩等.尤其須注意:
4. 如何判斷傢具的四角是否平穩呢,其實很簡單,只需將傢具放在平地上,搖晃幾下就可,有的傢具只有三條腿落地。
5、款式和色彩: 鐵藝床更注重造型的表現,花色和線條都會比其他材質的床豐富的多,因此選擇的范圍也比較廣,消費者可以根據自己的喜好,挑選與家庭裝修整體格調相近的款式;由於材質的原因,鐵藝床的色彩范圍比較小,一般就是黑色,古銅色和亮色三種,消費者可以根據自己的喜好,挑選與房間色彩協調的鐵藝床產品。
6、材料和處理工藝: 鐵藝床的基本材料分為鑄造和鍛打兩種,鑄造材料笨重而易碎,但是硬度更強;鍛打材料柔性好,強度適中,外表更具光澤,建議大家選購鍛打材料的鐵藝床。另外鍛打材料的壁厚是關鍵,材質壁越厚,質量相對來說越好。鐵藝床的油漆處理一般有烤漆和噴漆兩種,建議消費者盡量購買環保健康的烤漆床。
7、安裝: 我們知道床是由床頭、床尾和床板三個部分組合而成的,床頭床尾的聯接件和緊固件是鐵藝床質量的關鍵。消費者應該在選購鐵藝床的時候,搖晃一下已經安裝好的樣品床,結實、固定性強的床質量上乘。
8、品牌和服務: 質量好的鐵藝床,不但是床本身的材質好,結合牢固,且無公害污染,



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