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发布时间:2024-03-10 10:29:32

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Constructs a description:
1. the Deluxe-cashier (primary-and secondary-desk top-quality 1.0 thick stainless steel and 15% of the HDF viscose synthesis. Main and auxiliary station Pier are 1.0 thick high quality steel plate welded forming, the entire cashier in powder before acid phosphate paint the background being surrounded by installed ABS plastic bumper and bottom of the slide bars. ) Subsection cashier (2.mini-accessory desk top-quality 1.0 thick stainless steel and 15% of the HDF viscose synthesis. Main and auxiliary station Pier are 1.0 thick high quality steel plate welded forming, the entire cashier in powder before acid phosphate paint the background being surrounded by installed ABS plastic bumper and bottom of the slide bars. )
3. wood dried fruits (the entire shelf employs high quality 15% FIR Board do frame and the bottom footing with 40 × 90 natural material, and then go through several primer paint processing, shelf adjustable via a hardware perspective, the licence holder for high-quality stainless steel tubes welded together, the previous increase of 8% thick perspex panels, front part of the installation to ABS black bull bars. )
4. wood tip heap (the whole heap header using high-15% of FIR Board do frame, and then go through several primer paint processing, shelf side can open the door of Bill of lading, installed the ABS black bull bars at the bottom with four feet, 8% glass parapet. )
5. the tubular frame (frame are made of 30 x 30 party pass as the main body, the Panel adopts 08 plate: lost, the entire shelf have to undergo treatment, paint, tile proction aircraft stainless steel tubes, each shelf at the bottom of the installed four wheels, another three plastic box. )
6. tube tip heap (pillar 40 × 40 square tube, layer thickness is 08, the side bar to seal the plate thickness 07, guardrail tube diameter of 20, the entire shelf have to undergo a treatment of paint. )
7. stainless steel water dish rack (tripod with 50 x 50 and 38 × 38 stainless steel tubes welded together, pallet welded stainless steel with 1.0, a licence holder for forming stainless steel tubes, the tray at the bottom with a leaking valves, bottom round plates of stainless steel sheet with 08. )
8. commodity heap header frame (card board feet of cold-rolled sheet with 1.2, and frame of 40 x 40 square tube welded together, heap head around and upper plates are made of thick steel 08 stamping, Rails uses 60 and 40 of the rail line collisions, the entire shelf forming welding is pickling, phosphating process on the Panel painting after the silk screen fonts, side door, inventory and floor is 15% emission.)
9. food counter (full cabinets are made of 1.0 thick stainless steel welded together, front panel thickness punching 1.0 of cold-rolled sheet, glass is available in an 8% tempered glass. )
10. the marble seafood pool (the entire pool of load-bearing part of 40 x 40 stainless steel tube welded together, black part is 15 mm thick marble, glass used is 12% of tempered glass, in front of the bottom with 38 of stainless steel tubes, the entire pool of pipes used oxygen machine Liansu pipe, as Haley, circulation pump to take cards with large 1P of the refrigerator, the Panasonic brand, filter pool with filter cotton and coral and activated carbon. )
11. Deluxe shrimp ponds (table uses the high quality 1.0 thick stainless steel welded forming, pallets mounted in the insulation, the tripod is 50 x 50 of stainless steel tubes, piercing hoarding is 1.0 thick electrostatic spraying of cold-rolled sheet, with four active Castor. )
12 rice heap header frame (overall framework with 15% solid FIR Board, after repeatedly primer paint, around 10% transparent glass, four iron card board feet, internal deep within that can be separated, is 30 cm. )
13. the amount of Mist Humidifier (: 9DG/H control mode: timing control, power: 220V, power 900w, dimension: 580 * 400 * 550 out of the mist outlet through: 110mm two out of the mist outlet, spray 10 kg)
14. rice image frame (overall framework with 15% solid wood panels and parties, after many primer paint, background wallpaper and inkjet, m bucket lid is 4% sought. )
15. wooden bulk tank (entire bulk tank with 15% of wooden FIR Board, after repeatedly primer paint, internal can stock, each group with four card board feet, black ABS front bumper sticker, box 4% sought. )
16. the solid bulk (global framework with 15% solid FIR Board, after repeatedly primer paint, with ABS front bumper sticker, internal to inventory, four iron card board feet, with 8% acrylic and stainless steel corner synthesis, deep within 10 cm).
17. eggs (whole eggs with 15% of wooden FIR Board, after repeatedly primer paint, surrounded with ABS plastic and bottom has hit card board feet. )
18. promotional van (whole bread image car with 15% of wooden FIR Board, after repeatedly primer paint, four wheels PVC strip edge. )
19. the Cabinet
The entire Cabinet consists of 15% of emission from the main frame, do fire board finishes, stainless steel rail line

② rhs是什么意思什么单词的缩写

RHS =rectangle hollow section 方管,矩形管。

GMS =galvanized mild steel 镀锌软钢。

50x25x2.5mm THK.GMS.RHS 50x25x2.5mm 厚的镀锌软钢方管。




③ Q345方管的生产原理

Q345方管,英文名是(Low alloy square pipe 、Grade Q345 steel hollow section ),是方形等边的钢管。执行国家标准GBT 6728-2002 结构用冷弯空心型钢尺寸,外形,重量及允许偏差加工生产,是Q345B带钢经过卷制而成。低合金方管在于它的材质低合金材料(Q345B)生产加工而成与普通方管在原材料材质(Q195,Q215,Q235)有很大的区别,是把低合金带钢(16Mn)经过拆包,平整,卷曲,焊接形成圆管,再由圆管轧制成方形管然后剪切成需要长度常用长度为6米,12米或其他定尺。

④ 哪个了解铝合金方管能焊接吗

1、如果是薄料铝合金方管,这样的方管的尺寸偏小,这种可以用低温火焰钎焊的焊接方式焊接,可以用液化气喷枪作为加热热源,焊丝选用流动性好一些的WEWELDING Q303的这种软钎料焊接,这个可以学习它的运用焊接视频:“威欧丁303低温铝焊条焊接视频汇总”,这种就是比较适合新手来焊接的一种,但是只适合薄一些的方管,小一些的方管焊接。



一、 总体要求:
定位焊及正常焊接必须由具有相应等级不锈钢方管焊工证书的焊工进行 施焊。
二、 焊前准备:
不锈钢方管件储存:应有专用存放架,存放架应为木质或表面喷漆的碳钢支架 或垫以橡胶垫,以与碳钢等其它金属材质隔离。存放时,储存位置应便于吊 运,与其它材料存放区相对隔离,应有防护措施,不锈钢方管钢管两端加防护盖 以避免灰尘、油污、铁锈对不锈钢方管的污染。
不锈方矩管吊装:吊装时,应采用专用吊具,如吊装带、专用夹头等,严 禁使用钢丝绳以免划伤表面;并且在起吊和放置时,应避免冲击磕碰造成划 伤。
不锈钢方管件运输:运输时,应用运输工具(如小车、拖拉机等),并应洁 净有隔离防护措施,以防灰尘、油污、铁锈污染不锈钢方管。严禁拖拉,避免磕 碰、划伤。
三、 焊接过程:
焊接规范见《焊接工艺》(YTRS643-91-01A),除以下特殊要求 外 ,其他焊接要求均按照《焊接技术要求》(YTRS643-91-02)执 行。
与不锈钢方管焊接的临时性构件(如马板、吊耳等),要使用相同的不 锈钢材料,采用相应的焊接工艺。
焊接不锈钢方管厚壁螺旋钢管时,管内应通惰性气体进行净化,焊接时焊缝附近 区域必须持续有氩气保护。
焊接不锈钢方管钢管时,需用 TIG 焊打底。
四、 焊后处理:
再将酸洗、钝化膏涂抹于焊缝及近缝区具有氧化皮处,涂膜厚度为 1~3mm.
反应一般为 1-10 分钟,0℃以下,氧化皮厚处,需适当延长时(反 应时间视膏体品牌及金属氧化膜厚度而定)。







⑥ 焊铝合金方管拿什么焊接

方式二:通过低温焊接用气焊焊接,比较代表性的就是用低温的WEWELDING Q303焊丝,用威欧丁第三代衍生版的液化气多孔喷枪焊接,这样比较适合新手操作,不过这种气焊的方式是比较适合小一些的,薄一些的方管焊接。

无缝方管价格介绍 什么是无缝方管












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