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发布时间:2022-02-02 23:10:41

『壹』 “模具”英文是怎么拼写的啊求...强求

mould 浇筑模具
die 冲压模具
progressive die 拉伸模具

『贰』 在模具专业术语中,CAV、COR是哪些英文单词的缩写中文是什么意思


【CAI】【Cavity Insert】【前模镶件】
【COI】【Core Insert】 【后模镶件】
【CAP】【Cavity Pin】 【前模镶针】
【COP】【Core Pin】 【后模镶针】

『叁』 管子的"壁厚"用英语怎么说

tube thickness

『肆』 模具中的中央顶块英文怎么写

Central top block in mold
Central top block in mold

『伍』 钢管的公称外径和钢管的公称壁厚用英文怎么翻译

outer diameter

『陆』 我们的模具据说因为偏心导致产品壁厚偏薄,这个偏心怎么翻译呢知道的高人指导下~谢谢~

mismatch between cavity and core.

『柒』 模具类英文,请高手帮忙翻译,非常感谢!


『捌』 美标、日标、德标钢管外径壁厚对照表上的英文部分代表什么

Nonimal pipe size:公称管尺寸
Outside diameter: 外径
Nominal wall tickness:公称壁厚

『玖』 求模具(冲压铸造塑料都行)或者材料类的外文翻译,要5000字左右,最好中英都有,只有英文的也可以

Abstract: This paper analyzes thin tube slender tube-type plastic pieces of the structural characteristics of the process. And in accordance with the characteristics described in detail tube plastic parts injection mold structure and its working process, to determine a reasonable way of injection and mold release.
Key words: Process; gating system; ribbed tube; Injection Mold

1 Introction

In the mold design process, often encountered in long thin tube-type injection parts, such parts of the larger aspect ratio, and shape permit must have the taper. Injection molding of such parts, there are often non-uniform tube wall thickness, surface with flow defects such as marks and charred. Therefore in the design of injection molds need to consider the casting mold system, exhaust system, cooling system, the introction of the system. At the same time should also be considered loaded mold mold mold height and open itinerary. Mold structure as far as possible, compact, open-mode trip short.

2, process analysis

Shown in Figure 1 for the plastic tube size chart. Materials for the PS (polystyrene). We can see from the parts belong to the shape of thin elongated tube-type injection parts, die design and die in the process to determine the structure needed to be considered. Fig know by the size, wall thickness 1.5mm, the outer diameter size! 24mm, length 150mm, there is at the bottom of tube M24 × 30mm outer thread of the ordinary. Proct requirements of uniform wall thickness, internal and external cavity surface smooth, burr-free edge fly.
Because of long thin tube-type injection parts, such parts of the larger aspect ratio, it focuses on mold design and injection molding Demoulding selection on the way. Because of thin-walled tube, and筒身longer, it had not yet reached the molten plastic in the entire cavity is likely to occur before condensation and should not make a complete injection molding parts. In addition such slender parts by injection mold machine and therefore can not be away from the conventional way of Demoulding Demoulding.

Injection molding machine according to the selection of proction conditions in the SCZ-125-type injection machine. Their specific parameters are: a high degree of loading mode: 150 ~ 300mm. Open-mode distance: 300mm. The level of column spacing: 400mm. Vertical column spacing: 400mm. A maximum injection capacity: 125g.

3, mold design

Three die structure using one mold plate structure 4.

Plastic parts to determine the shrinkage rate of 1.3%. Demoulding gradient plastic parts in accordance with the molding process characteristics and the characteristics of plastic parts selection Demoulding cavity gradient 0.6 °, angle core Demoulding identified as 0.5 °, Figure 2 shows Demoulding add gradient plastic parts after various parts of the material thick-size map.
Because of plastic parts at the bottom there is the outer M24 × 30mm thread, it must die structure using fractal lateral agencies. Injection Mold through the spring and the role of lock block to complete block of lateral Hough fractal core-pulling action.

Injection Mold Design Demoulding manner shown in figure 3. Push the board to adopt the way the introction of plastic parts. And to rece the top of the distance from the injection molding machine using a direct role in the top bar at the push plate. Greatly reces the loading height mode.




图1 所示为螺纹管塑件尺寸图。材料为PS(聚苯乙烯) 。由零件形状可知属于细长筒薄类注射零件,在模具设计及模具结构的工艺确定中需加以考虑。由尺寸图所知,壁厚1.5mm,其外径尺寸为!24mm,长度为150mm,在筒底部有M24×30mm 的普通外螺纹。产品要求壁厚均匀一致,内外型腔表面光滑,无飞边毛刺。

注射机的选择根据生产条件要求安排在SCZ-125 型注射机。其特定参数为:装模高度:150~300mm。开模距离:300mm。水平柱间距:400mm。垂直柱间距:400mm。一次最大注塑量:125g。


模具结构采用三板式1 模4 件结构。

塑件的收缩率确定为1.3%。脱模斜度根据塑件的成型工艺特点及塑件的特性型腔选择脱模斜度0.6°,型芯脱模斜度确定为0.5°,图2 所示为加脱模斜度后塑件各部分的料厚尺寸图。
由于塑件底部有M24×30mm 的外螺纹,故模具结构必需采用侧向分形机构。注射模具通过弹簧和锁块作用来完成哈夫块的侧向分形抽芯动作。

注射模脱模方式的设计如图3 所示。采用推板推出塑件的方式。而为减少顶出距离,采用注塑机顶出杆直接作用在推板上。大大减少了装模高度。

『拾』 在模具专业术语中,英文缩写CAV、COR是哪些英文单词的缩写中文意思又是是什么




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